EduYouth Meet in Vizag with Special Appearance by Sri Ravi Shankar

Sonali Saha
2 Min Read

In a spectacular gathering of knowledge and inspiration, over 40,000 individuals flocked to GITAM University in Vizag for the EduYouth Meet. The event, graced by the presence of renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, proved to be a resounding success as it aimed to promote the “Drug-Free India” initiative.

The EduYouth Meet, held at GITAM University, emerged as a beacon for educational and motivational pursuits, drawing a massive crowd eager to engage in discussions, workshops, and insightful sessions. The attendance of over 40,000 people reflected the community’s enthusiasm and commitment to embracing knowledge and positive change.

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A highlight of the event was the special appearance by the revered Art of Living GuruDev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji. His presence added a spiritual and motivational dimension to the proceedings, inspiring attendees to strive for personal and societal well-being.

Beyond the educational and spiritual elements, the EduYouth Meet took a bold stance in promoting the “Drug-Free India” initiative. Through various discussions and awareness programs, the event aimed to mobilize the youth towards a healthier and drug-free lifestyle.

The impressive turnout and the presence of influential figures like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji underscore the significance of such gatherings in fostering a culture of learning, positivity, and social responsibility. The EduYouth Meet in Vizag not only served as a platform for intellectual growth but also as a catalyst for societal change, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in building a better future.

As the echoes of the EduYouth Meet resonate in Vizag, the impact of this event is poised to extend beyond the venue, leaving an indelible mark on the community’s commitment to education, well-being, and the pursuit of a drug-free nation.

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Hi, my name is Sonali, I am a content writer specializing in the topics of Relationships, Travel, News, Bollywood, and More.
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